X-Plane 11.50



RHI_图形API对比(Vulkan、DirectX 1211、Metal

DirectX 11虽然比OpenGL更接近现代GPU架构,但和Vulkan,DirectX 12和Metal还是有很大的区别。 具体每种API详述可以参考其官网文档:

What are Metal and Vulkan?

Metal is Apple's API, usable on iOS and MacOS. Vulkan was developed by the Khronos Group, who also oversees the various forms of OpenGL.

Vulkan and Metal (some observation…

I think it should be fairly clear that Vulkan offers higher performance potential then Metal. Metal still does a lot of hand holding and behind-the-scenes ...

API Wars - DirectX vs Vulkan vs Metal in 2024

In this article, I will compare the capabilities, performance, platform support, and developer experience of DirectX, Vulkan, and Metal to determine which is ...

C. Metal is a high-level language, Vulkan is low

Metal is a high-level language, Vulkan is low-level. Apple wants you to use a high-level language so they have more flexibility in optimizing ...

Metal、Vulkan、Direct3D 12三大图形引擎架构演进- TaylorShi

与旧的OpenGL和Direct3D 11 API相比,Vulkan旨在提供更高的性能和更平衡的CPU和GPU使用。 它为应用程序提供了一个相当低级别的API和并行任务,与Metal和 ...

Is Metal easier to learn than Vulkan? : rGraphicsProgramming

Vulkan is also a C api like OpenGL while Metal is object oriented. That being said, I assume you have a Mac and are using Xcode. So use Metal.

Comparison between Vulkan, DX12 and Metal?

Metal and DX12 have better support out of the box for programming languages beyond C, and given their OS integration you get model loaders, ...

HPC加速技术巨头之争:CUDA vs OpenCL vs Vulkan vs ...

综合来看,CUDA在NVIDIA GPU上的性能表现最为出色,OpenCL具有跨平台和异构计算的优势,Vulkan适用于实时图形渲染和游戏开发,Metal是苹果设备上的首选API, ...

Metal vs Vulkan API基础架构对比(持续Update)

相比于Vulkan,Metal的API封装性更友好简单,但一些封装性概念也会容易掩盖特性背后的本质细节。 Vulkan API的基础对象概念封装跟Metal基本对应,但没有过渡封装底层细节, ...


DirectX11虽然比OpenGL更接近现代GPU架构,但和Vulkan,DirectX12和Metal还是有很大的区别。具体每种API详述可以参考其官网文档:,MetalisApple'sAPI,usableoniOSandMacOS.VulkanwasdevelopedbytheKhronosGroup,whoalsooverseesthevariousformsofOpenGL.,IthinkitshouldbefairlyclearthatVulkanoffershigherperformancepotentialthenMetal.Metalstilldoesalotofhandholdingandbehind-the-scenes ...,Inthisarticle,Iwillcompar...
